Paragon: Monsters & Mayhem TCG/CCG Founders Edition

A project in Monterey, CA by Paragon TCG

Status: Active

The Tactical TCG of Fantastic Battles & Glorious Victories! Prepare for mayhem with Exclusive Cards, Alt Arts & Serialized Foils!
Backers: 346
Average Daily Pledges: $85,518
Average Pledge Per Backer: $247

Funding: $85,518 of $10,000
Dates: Oct 1st -> Nov 1st (31 days)
Project By: Paragon TCG
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Last Updated: 5 months, 7 days, 13 hours, 13 minutes ago


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Latest News

In Person Prototypes Have Arrived!

August 15th - via:
Hey Everybody! I wanted to share some of the photos of the in person prototypes! These are all done print on demand so they don't fully represent the final product but they turned out amazing. All of our cards will be offset printed and have an even... (Read More)

Card Gallery!

August 14th - via:
Hey Everybody! Wanted to send you all a link to our card gallery on our website! If you have been wanting to look at some of the cards from the set that is a great place to see them. We'll be add more to the gallery so feel free to check back in... (Read More)

Day 14 Update - Stretch Goals Updated

August 12th - via:
Hey Everybody! We have been talking with the community and wanted to update the order of our stretch goals to unlock the goals most requested first! Our new stretch goals that are unlocked are Booster Box Toppers, these will be 6 card booster box... (Read More)

Day 13 Update - Paragon Spotlight

August 11th - via:
Hey Everybody! Thank you all for the continued support! Today we had our first Paragon Spotlight which I have linked down below so feel free to check that out. I have also added Nyx, Deathbreath to show off and we will be adding more of our cards to... (Read More)

Day 12 Update - Merch Feedback!

August 11th - via:
Greetings to all of you Champions! Thank you all for the feedback on merch! It is looking like shirts, hoodies and posters are the most sought after so we will be looking at getting these available for everyone as soon as possible and I'll update you... (Read More)

Day 11 Update - Organized Play!

August 9th - via:
Greetings to all of you Champions! Hope you are all having a goodnight! Our playtesting has been coming along nicely and thank you everyone for all of the feedback so far. We will be doing an update early next week with a new balance patch as well as... (Read More)

Day 10 Update - Community Night!

August 8th - via:
Greetings to all of you Champions! Community night tonight was a lot of fun! Thank you all for coming through, we would like to host one of these each week so if there is a day that works best for you just let us know in the comments. Also we are... (Read More)

Day 9 - Let's talk about Lore!

August 7th - via:
Hey Everybody! Wanted to talk about lore in todays update! We will be talking more about the lore as the campaign goes and will expand on what each Paragon is up to and how they fit into the set. Our sets will be based on an epic event taking place... (Read More)

Day 8 - Constructed Playtest!

August 6th - via:
Hey Everybody! Just wanted to give you all an update that our constructed playtest is now up on the Workshop for Tabletop Simulator. You can give that a go with your friends and community members. The card pool is limited and we will be adding more... (Read More)

Q+A on Twitch!

August 6th - via:
Hey Everybody! We are live over on Twitch playing some games and answering questions feel free to stop on in and hang out! Starter Deck Demo: 4 Player Demo:... (Read More)

Day 6 - 4 Player Playtest!

August 5th - via:
Greetings to all of you Champions! We updated our Starter Deck Playtest today to have the latest balance patch as well as we pushed the 4 Player Playtest! If you have been waiting to play multiplayer now is your time. Feel free to leave a comment... (Read More)

Day 6 - Community Nights!

August 5th - via:
Greetings to all of you Champions! We are working on some community nights for the Discord as well as some contests/giveaways to do during the campaign. If you have any fun ideas for a community night let us know in the comments! The main ones... (Read More)

Day 5 - Half way to 125,000!!!

August 3rd - via:
Greetings to all of you Champions! We are getting so close to hitting 125,000 and unlocking our next stretch goal so thank you for backing our project!!! Next week we have some exciting things to come and will be expanding on our playtesting to cover... (Read More)

Day 4 Update - We hit 100,000!!!!

August 2nd - via:
Greetings to all of you Champions! Thank you for backing our project! We hit 100,000 and unlocked a new stretch goal! Champion boxes will now come with a 6 card box topper that will contain 6 alternate art cards, one from each domain from the set. We... (Read More)

We reached 100K!!! Thank you!

August 2nd - via:
Hey Everybody, We all just wanted to say thank you all for the amazing support and hitting 100K!! We unlocked the box toppers for Champion boxes so those will now have 6 alternant art cards from each domain added to the boxes. Next up is the card... (Read More)

Day 3 Update - So Close To $100,000!!!

August 2nd - via:
Greetings to all of you Champions! Thank you for backing our project! We are so close to $100,000 and our third stretch goal. This stretch goal will unlock a 6-card box topper in all Champion Boxes! Join the Playtest:... (Read More)

Q&A + Game Demo Livestream on Twitch!

August 1st - via:
Hey everybody Bear here, We are live on Twitch come hang out and ask questions! If you want to play let us know and we can also get some games in on Tabletop Simulator!  (Read More)

Day 2 Update - Open Playtesting For All!

August 1st - via:
Greetings to all of you Champions! Today we added Paragon to the workshop on Steam. If you have Tabletop Simulator you can use the link below to playtest the three starter decks in the starter kits! Join the Playtest:... (Read More)

Quick Update - Join Our Discord!

July 31st - via:
Good morning Champions! We woke up this morning to yet another stretch goal unlocked! All Booster Boxes now come with a 6-card Box Topper! These Box Toppers have 6 unique Alternate Artwork Full Art Foil cards from the main set. The design team is... (Read More)

Day 1 Update - We Funded! Claim Your Referral Link!

July 31st - via:
Greetings to all of you Champions! Day 1 has been incredible! Thank you all for your support and sharing a link to this campaign with your friends! Not only did you all raise enough money to fund this campaign, but we also crossed off our first... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!