Start Ups- A Brand New Comedy!

A project in Los Angeles, CA by David Case

Funding Unsuccessful

Zuckerburg has nothing on these badass mofos! Henry and Julius are at the helm of a glitzy tech company, and the party has just begun!
Backers: 26
Average Pledge Per Backer: $63

Funded: $1,641 of $17,500
Dates: Jul 8th -> Aug 4th (27 days)
Project By: David Case
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Last Updated: August 4 @ 01:04 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Fourth eight Epic Hours

August 2nd - via:
Cmooooon kickstarter people put up more money!!!!  (Read More)


July 26th - via:
Thank you to our new backers who have poured in today to bring in a last minute swarm of donations. Lets keep riding the wave and maybe we can make it happen before the time is up!!!! Eight Days To GO!!!!! -David Case  (Read More)

Twelve day left and we are not even half way there!

July 22nd - via:
Please continue to spread the word! We can not emphasize how much it would mean for everyone's donations!  (Read More)

New Promo is up!!!

July 19th - via:
It may have taken a little bit of time but the wait was worth it! Thanks to Matthew Sanford, Ray Hebel, and Matthew Case for volunteering their acting prowess for the video!!! Love, Rebel Caddie  (Read More)

New promo coming soon!

July 12th - via:
Hello again Internet! Another busy day here at Rebel Caddie. Shot our first of two scenes for our new promotional videos. As I mentioned last time we are hoping to give you more of a flavor of what we have to offer. So as we work hard on our end... (Read More)

Website Updated

July 11th - via:
Hello Internet! The website has had a great new update!! We also have been getting a ton of great feedback!!! Check it out for yourself!!! Do not wait a moment longer and please back the project! -David Case Follow us!!!!... (Read More)

Off to a strong start!

July 10th - via:
Dear Internet, Thank you to all of our early birdĀ donatorsĀ and to all of those who have been reposting the video around the web. The team at Rebel Caddie has been getting a whole lot of love and we could not be more grateful. But now what we need... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!